When ABC journalist Bob Woodruff was injured while reporting in Iraq in 2006, he suffered severe head injuries that caused him to lose his ability to recall and produce common words — a condition called aphasia. Today, Woodruff has recovered most of his language skills thanks to intensive behavioral therapy — reading and repeating words and sounds.
“The standard of care for patients with aphasia has always been and will always be speech/language therapy, but a new area is opening up that looks at what drugs can be used in combination with therapy to enhance recovery from brain damage and help the brain repair itself,” said Gerry Stefanatos, D.Phil., an associate professor of communication sciences and disorders in the College of Health Professions. “We’re looking at the mechanism of how this combination works — it’s underlying effect on patients with aphasia.”
In research presented at the International Neurological Society this month, Stefanatos found that dextroamphetamine (D-AMPH), a drug commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, improved the processing of speech among those suffering from Broca’s aphasia and the similar Anomic aphasia.
“Improving a patient’s attention and working memory may allow them to better focus and process information during therapy sessions,” said Stefanatos. “Attention is critically important for learning and relearning skills, and could be helpful in forging new neural pathways in the brain.”
Stefanatos's research explores the nature and basis of neurogenic language disorders integrate neuropsychological/neurolinguistic approaches to the study of brain function with advanced functional neuroimaging techniques, such as brain electrical source localization and functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Stefanatos’ recent study looked at the use of D-AMPH in ten aphasia patients. All were also given a placebo for comparison purposes. In each condition, participants were asked to make decisions about different types of speech sounds (vowels, consonant-vowels) and complex tones. Their brain’s electrical response to each was recorded via an electroencephalogram (EEG).
Those who took the D-AMPH had a strong reaction to the sounds — even to consonant-vowel sounds, which are more often difficult for individuals with aphasia to process.
“This tells us that D-AMPH may help the left hemisphere of the brain regain the ability to perform its functions,” said Stefanatos. “Understanding why the drug is having this effect allows us to start to think about how to tailor treatments to make them more effective or explore alternative drugs or drug combinations.”
Stefanatos said he and his team chose to look at this particular drug because in patients with ADHD it has been shown to stimulate the release of dopamine and epinephrine, which help in attention and learning. But he notes that some people aren’t good candidates for this particular drug.
“Now that we have a rudimentary understanding of why the drug may work to enhance the results of therapy, our next step is to look at dose effects and perhaps other drugs with more favorable side effect profiles,” said Stefanatos.
With collaborators from the departments of Radiology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Stefanatos will next study functional magnetic resonance imaging to explore the effects of D-AMPH on cerebral metabolism and where in the brain of individuals with aphasia it has the greatest effect.
Other authors on this study are Andrew DeMarco at Temple University, Robert Segal at McGill University in Quebec, and Arthur Gershoff, M.D. and Y. Ieuji of the Moss Rehab Stroke and Neurological Diseases Program, part of the Albert Einstein Healthcare Network in Philadelphia. This work was funded by grants from the National Institute of Health and the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
His interdisciplinary work on acquired epileptiform aphasia and regressive autism resulted in passage of a congratulatory resolution (HR 307) by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1997, in recognition of his scientific and clinical contributions. He has extended his work in this area to studies seeking to understand brain plasticity and the changes that accompany recovery from stroke and other cerebrovascular insults to the brain. Among the studies currently under way, he is examining the extent to which pharmacologic and behavioral interventions promote adaptive functional and structural changes in brain organization and enhance recovery of function. He received his bachelor's degree in Psychology from McGill University in Montreal and his doctorate in Clinical Neuropsychology from the University of Oxford in England. While based at the MRC Neuropsychology Unit (situated in the Oxford University Department of Clinical Neurology), he developed a special interest in the problems of individuals with acquired aphasia and in the inexplicable failure to acquire language experienced by some children (Specific Language Impairment). In collaboration with colleagues at the University Laboratory of Physiology, he developed novel methods of recording brain electrical responses in humans to rapidly changing complex sounds. He applied this steady-state auditory evoked responses paradigm in studies directed to understanding the neurobiological basis of speech perception problems seen in developmental language disorders and some forms of acquired aphasia in children.
Stefanatos has written numerous articles published in scientific journals and has authored several chapters in textbooks in the field of neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience. These have covered conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, Asperger's disorder, developmental language disorder, and aphasia. His editorial responsibilities have included reviewing research papers for "Brain and Development, “Brain and Cognition, Neuropsychologia, Biological Psychiatry, Child Neuropsychology, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, the Journal of Developmental and Learning Disorders, Neuropsychiatric Genetics, Neurocase, Clinical Neuropsychologist, and Journal of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. He has also served on scientific review committees for the National Institute of Health.
Stefanatos has received funding from the National Institute on Deafness and Communicative Disorders, the National Institute of Child Health and Development, the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Albert Einstein Society.
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